Like tales of sasquatch roaming the Pacific Northwest, the Internet is littered with stories of work-life balance observed in the wild. Squint hard enough, they say, and you can make out a blurry image of what appears to be a member of the c-suite, at a junior high basketball game, cheering on their daughter. Urban legends of executives simultaneously achieving peace of mind and operational excellence have become increasingly common, thanks in part to the rise of another creature shrouded in mystery — the executive Chief of Staff. How a Chief of Staff improves your organization is easy. They provide administrative support beyond a traditional 9-to-5, Monday-through-Friday capacity and by being an executive-level strategic partner.

As the Chief of Staff role becomes increasingly relevant in modern organizations, more are becoming curious as to what the position entails. If you’re wondering what does a Chief of Staff do and how they can benefit your business, read on.

Four Key Areas a Chief of Staff Can Improve in Your Business

  1. Coverage
  2. Efficiency
  3. Strategy
  4. Culture

Below is a breakdown of each area. Let’s take a closer look at the Chief of Staff job description and the role they play in today’s fast-paced business world.


In sports, it’s sometimes said that a player’s greatest ability is their availability, meaning an athlete is most valuable when they have a well-rounded skill set and can be counted on to make the right play for the team whenever called upon to do so. In a business, the Chief of Staff is that player.

First and foremost, a Chief of Staff provides unparalleled coverage and support beyond traditional office hours. While an Executive Assistant may manage your incoming messages, a Chief of Staff is a skilled communicator who can respond to important messages in your voice and style, allowing you to focus on what really matters. By expertly managing your calendar and communication channels, a Chief of Staff delivers peace of mind – a critical asset in the modern executive’s arsenal.


Let’s take a quick walk through the day of a modern executive, otherwise known as your Tuesday.

You might start by catching up on email and responding to a couple voicemails. Then you accept an urgent meeting that pops up without warning (as all urgent meetings do). Since you’re in the meeting you forget and do a last-minute cancellation of the meeting that would have taken place if the more urgent one hadn’t hit your calendar. Then there’s the quick scramble, looking for another time to reschedule the newly canceled meeting. Once that’s handled you have to send out a contract and sign a document that just received approval from legal – wait, what got changed.. you spend some time analyzing the documents, again. At that point, you make time to check in with one of your top clients. As soon as that call ends, you call a prospect, and then, if the planets align, you have lunch.. at 3 pm.

Since it’s understandable especially from an executive standpoint that not all tasks are created equal, it’s where chief of staff jobs and opportunities come to your rescue.

Efficiency is another key benefit that a Chief of Staff brings to the table. As an executive, your day is often filled with urgent meetings, last-minute cancellations, contract reviews, and client calls – not to mention the endless stream of emails and voicemails. A Chief of Staff can help you manage these tasks efficiently, allowing you to focus on high-priority projects that truly move the needle for your organization. In fact, a great Chief of Staff can give you back anywhere from 8-18 hours each week, allowing you to achieve more while working less.


The most valuable aspect of a Chief of Staff is their strategic partnership. Unlike an administrative assistant, a Chief of Staff is an executive-level partner who can stand in for you at meetings and make decisions on your behalf. By taking detailed notes and providing important information and next steps, a Chief of Staff can ensure that critical projects move forward even when you’re unable to attend a meeting. This not only benefits you as an executive, but it also makes your entire organization more efficient and effective by removing bottlenecks and empowering leaders across your organization to take action.


Finally, a Chief of Staff can help you build a great organizational culture by implementing game-changing initiatives and consistently delivering remarkable experiences for your employees. In the competition for top talent, companies no longer have the luxury of treating culture like a luxury. Ping-pong tables and free food are nice perks, but they won’t paper over bad processes or alleviate undue stress on your team. A Chief of Staff can help you take your organization to new heights by providing the partnership and service you need to achieve your goals.

Maximizing Your Potential: How a Chief of Staff Improves Your Organization and Overall Life

A Chief of Staff can play a critical role in helping you achieve work-life balance, operational excellence, and a great organizational culture. By providing coverage, efficiency, strategic partnership, and cultural leadership, they can help you achieve your goals and take your organization to new heights. So, if you’re looking for a new challenge or considering a career change, consider exploring the exciting world of Chief of Staff jobs – you may just find your perfect match.


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